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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Blueberry Ice cream Sundae

I was recently gifted several Food and Home magazines to read.  An indulgence or expense I don't allow in my budget constraints, much less having the free time to peruse said periodicals monthly.  I could not keep up with the cascade of information on the printed page.  However, since I've been forced into short-term disability until further notice, I can say that a paper periodical is infinitely preferable than trying to read a lap top while on bed rest.  I don't worry if it will hit the floor or if a dog will accidentally roll over it and break it.  A magazine can be set aside without worry.  Perhaps that should be a marketing ploy by publishers.  

Since I have an ice-creamaholic husband, who has never turned down an ice cream dessert, I was totally captivated with ice cream recipes that did not require eggs.  I am simply incapable of standing at a stove and stirring a custard base as my mother did years ago for her hand cranked/churned ice cream.  Suffice to say, to our PA and WV relatives, you have my deep apologies from the FL contingent.  Weaving through the forbidden corn field to the desired peach trees in the dark of night is an adventure I'll never forget. Momma was totally smitten with those purloined peaches.  I can't say my ice cream didn't have a bit of bitterness because my soul was ahurting for our midnight thievery.  Guilty on all counts, constable.

We had a surplus of blueberries from our local Aldi's and I have a new Cuisinart Ice Cream maker.  Farm meet function.  Ice cream sans eggs it is.
My friend had shared a Paula Deen magazine that had a blueberry ice cream recipe that looked delectable.  I amended the recipe slightly because I didn't want hard frozen single berries in my ice cream.  I heated them with the sugar, water and a bit of lemon juice to soften, mashed them with a potato masher and chilled them overnight.  The next day once the ice cream maker was cranking, I strained the blueberries (reserved the syrup) and added the blueberry mash.  The ice cream is a lovely violet color and the flavor is truly integrated.  No hard chunks.  Served the ice cream over lemon bars.  If I had mint, I would have gilded the lily, but it fine without any garnish other than a tiny drizzle of leftover berry syrup.

1 pint of fresh blueberries
1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of water
juice of one lemon
zest of half lemon
1 cup of heavy whipping cream (chilled)
1 can of sweetened condensed milk (chilled)
1/4 tsp of salt
1 tsp of vanilla
2 cups of half and half (chilled)
Favorite lemon bar recipe (I cheated and used Krusteaz)
reserved blueberry syrup
Cuisinart Ice Cream maker, with the frozen insert and paddle

Wash and stem berries. Add to sauce pan with sugar/water, lemon juice and zest.  Heat gently til berries start to pop.
Mash with potato masher.  Chill overnight.
Prep Ice cream cylinder by washing and freezing at least 24 hours.
Strain berries and reserve liquid, separate from berries in refrigerator.
In a large chilled glass bowl, whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks are formed.
Add chilled sweet condensed milk, beat again on high until peaks are formed.
Add half & half, vanilla and blend gently to combine.
Assemble ice cream maker.
The ice cream maker MUST be spinning before you add the ice cream mix.
Add milk mix to churning ice cream maker, allow the churn to process at least ten minutes, add the reserved crushed blueberries and continue to process for another 20 minutes.
Be careful there might be a more mix than can fit in the canister.  I reserved the extra creamy mix and will use it as a mix-in mascarpone cheese with instant coffee and Tia Maria for a tiramisu ice cream.....later, much later.  Since there are no eggs in the ice cream mix, I feel it is safe to keep the cream mixture.
Pack the ice cream in an air tight container and put in deep freeze  to cure and harden for three hours.
Will keep a month in deep freeze, if you are lucky.
Dessert time, cut a square of lemon bar, top with scoop of blueberry ice cream and drizzle with blueberry syrup.

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